An OpenSource Framework for Interactive Virtual Environments

Overview Open5

The Open5 framework is an Open Source Initiative to support the fast prototyping of new applications with advanced 3D visualization techniques combined with innovative interaction techniques. Open5 relies on both OpenSG and OpenTracker technologies to provide an integrated solution with a powerful 3D scenegraph and support for tracking devices. Open5 proposes a flexible event loop management to fit any VR/MR/AR setup and to support multi-input configurations. This framework enables the usage of customized visualization devices such as Head Mounted Displays, Tiled display systems or traditional Desktop monitors. Thanks to flexible XML based configuration files, it enables customized prototyping and fast integration mechanisms with a complete separation of inputs, interaction and functionality.


During last years, the Visualization and Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces GroupVIMMI@INESC-ID () have developed several prototypes providing innovative interaction for alternative 3D visualization setup and using several modalities such as stroke based interaction using laser pointers, voice based interaction and body tracked gesture. The OpenIVI framework is an Open Source Initiative launched by INESC-ID to support the fast prototyping of new applications with advanced 3D visualization techniques combined with innovative interaction techniques. Open5 relies on both OpenSG and OpenTracker technologies to provide an integrated solution with a powerful 3D scenegraph and support for tracking devices. Open5 proposes a flexible event loop management to fit any VR/MR/AR setup and to support multi-input configurations. This framework enables the usage of customized visualization devices such as Head Mounted Displays, Tiled display systems or traditional Desktop monitors. Thanks to flexible XML based configuration files, it enables customized prototyping and fast integration mechanisms with a complete separation of inputs, interaction and functionality. The current version which is called OpenIVI 2.1 is being used by Msc and PhD Students of the VIMMI Group and on European Research Projects:

  • OpenIVI 2.1 [TAR.GZ (114.4MB) ]
    Current Open5 Source Package named OpenIVI 2.1 (VS 2003 and VS 2008 Distribution)
  • Starter Guide Presentation [PDF (3.1MB) ]
    Presentation on OpenIVI 2.1 Architecture
  • OpenIVI 2.1 Documentation [PDF (256Kb) ]
    Documentation of OpenIVI 2.1 Architecture and Installation description
  • OpenSG 1.8.X Binary (VS 2008) [TAR.GZ (42.5MB) ]
    Pre-Compiled Windows Vs 2008 Binary Distribution of OpenSG from 15/07/2009
  • OpenSG 1.8.X Binary (VS 2003) [TAR.GZ (42.0MB) ]
    Pre-Compiled Windows Vs 2008 Binary Distribution of OpenSG from 15/07/2009

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